Blog Post

5 Ways to Get Back in Shape

We’ve all been there. We’ve jumped off the bandwagon and we’ve been watching it go by time and time again, but haven’t yet been able to get back on. It’s tough, we know that. This article from Allure gives us five ways to help you get back into shape.

My first piece of advice is to think back
to a time when you did work out. Muscle does have memory; if you
exercised regularly at some point, then you don’t have to imagine what
it’s like to be an athlete. You already know.

•  Gear up. Find something
that gets you excited. A new outfit does it for a lot of people, and
there are so many styles that emphasize the body parts you like—and
minimize any you don’t. Or consider cool sneakers or a Fitbit.

•  Make a window. I’ve seen
every study about ideal times to work out: morning, midday, evening.
Mine is 11 a.m., but if I waited for that time to be free in my
schedule, it would never happen. The best time to work out is when you
have 20 to 30 minutes in your day.

•  Expect the worst. The
first time out will be brutal—you’ll be so winded, you’ll feel like
you’re gargling your heart. It’s an awful feeling, but try to see it as
confirmation that you need to make a change. And know that if you work
out three or four times a week, you should see a big difference in just
two weeks.

•  Set the pace. Your
initial workouts should be about raising your heart rate (aim for 85
percent of the maximum) and light resistance training. The first few
weeks aren’t the time for explosive moves—no throwing heavy weights or
sprinting. I like a stationary bike because you can set your own
intensity and it’s low impact; a treadmill on an incline is also great.
It helps you build endurance and burns calories without a high risk of

•  Join in. Classes are
great because they force you to schedule a workout rather than waiting
for the mood to strike. Look for a beginner session, ideally at an
off-peak time—a crowded room can be intimidating.

•  Know your type. A
trainer can help you set goals and push yourself safely, but trainers
are like doctors—they have specialties. Ask for someone who likes to
work with people just starting out.