
How Can Dermaplaning Improve the Appearance of My Skin?

If you’re tired of wasting money on moisturizes, creams or other topical solutions that have little or no impact on the appearance of your skin, you should consider dermaplaning. It’s a safe and effective cosmetic procedure that can make your skin smoother, softer and more vibrant. So, how exactly can dermaplaning improve the appearance of […]

What Are the Benefits Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Hair Removal?

Think shaving and waxing are the hair removal solutions available? Think again. Intense pulsed light (IPL) offers an alternative way to remove unwanted hair. Whether the hair is on your face, legs, neck, check, bikini area, back or underarms, it can remove it. Considering that shaving and waxing are both readily available and well-known solutions, […]

What Is Dermaplaning?

Have you heard of dermaplaning? It’s become an increasingly popular treatment for common skin problems such as wrinkles, acne, uneven complexion and dullness. If you suffer from any of these skin conditions, you should consider scheduling an appointment for dermaplaning. Before making the commitment, though, you should first familiarize yourself with the basics of dermaplaning and how it works.