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4 Ways to Summer-ize Your Acne Skincare Routine

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A change in the weather can also require a change in the way you treat your complexion. “Pores can dilate from Summer heat,” dermatologist Dr. Ava Shamban explains. “The larger diameter, paired with increased sweating, can provide a scenario for increased deposits of dead skin cells, dirt, and sebum — which can lead to breakouts […]

The New Lunchtime Lift

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Feeling not so fabulous under the office fluorescents? This article from Harper’s Bazaar goes over new “face lifters” that are promised to give you a youthful new look in an hour. Read the full article for more information on the other two as we focus on our absolute favorite: Juvederm Voluma.  Though it’s not a […]

8 Foods That Could Be Giving You Acne

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We’ve always been concerned with keeping our skin looking healthy and fresh. We own every product we can get our hands on to keep our skin acne-free, from cleansers and scrubs to masques and moisturizers. Essentially, we’ll try almost anything that says it can help us maintain flawless skin. Sometimes, though, it’s not the products you’re using […]

11 Reasons to Love Coconut Oil

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And add it to your beauty routine. In this article found on, coconut oil is highlighted on how and why you should be adding this oil to your daily regimen…pronto.You may think of coconut oil as nothing more than a by-product of the fruit. But this naturally derived oil has been used for thousands […]

Take a Look at the Amount of Protein on Your Plate

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Whether you’re an omnivore or herbivore, you need protein in your diet. This article from tells us why you should take a look at the amount of protein on your plate.Muscle building: Of course, the most well-known reason for eating protein involves building a strong, lean body. Protein is the key to repairing and […]

Seven Healthy Hydrating Summer Foods

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There are so many yummy summer foods to keep you hydrated that are simply refreshing and delicious! These are mainly all going to be fresh fruits and veggies because they are the foods that naturally contain water in high quantities. Luckily, if you’re looking for summer foods to keep you hydrated, all are in season […]

The Benefits of an IPL Photofacial

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Intense pulsed light (IPL) Photofacials utilize a laser that targets redness, brown spots, broken capillaries and uneven skin tone. It takes a series of about four treatments to achieve maximum results, but Photofacials offer major improvement to skin’s tone and texture, creating an even, smooth surface. These treatments have also gained much acclaim for their […]

How to Treat a Sunburn

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Nothing screams beauty mishap like a red, blotchy complexion. “Red, inflamed skin can signify many things and can be from many different causes; the most common being an allergic reaction to chemicals or when the skin comes into contact with an irritant,” explains Cecilia Wong, founder of Cecilia Wong Skincare. No matter how much makeup […]

Eight Ways to Care for Sensitive Skin

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Some say your smile is the first thing people notice about you, but we believe that it’s your skin. If you have sensitive skin those red marks and irritations may be giving people the wrong impression. These 8 tips from Women’s Health Magazine helps you take better care of your sensitive skin. Does your skin […]

Six Ways to Sleep Pretty

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Your skin goes through a lot during the day. We unknowingly touch it with our fingers constantly and leave behind dirt, oil and bacteria. On top of that, it’s exposed to the sun, pollution and other factors that can cause damage. All of these combined are a perfect recipe for breakouts and signs of aging […]